Week 22: (Feb. 3 – 7)

(UPSTAIRS/(3rd-8th) Collaborative STEM)

“Designing a School on Mars”: Finishing Touches on Our Schools and School Design Fair!

Winning Teams: Most Creative School + Most Responsive School to Conditions on Mars

** Our classroom space had only 3 of the 12 teams. This is the reason for only a few students from our class being featured on our blog.


In Reading and Language Arts, our class read a Nonfiction article entitled, “Are Pro Athletes Overpaid?” as a foundation for our upcoming debate. We used this text to identify and reflect on a topic in our first Opinion Essay components. Our class discussed a strong Conclusion Paragraph and how to wrap up our papers with confidence. Our class continues to read, analyze and grow with August “Auggie” our main character in “Wonder”. This novel is unlocking many social values and teaching us lessons about how we view, judge and group people. (THEMES IN LITERATURE): our class completed the first part of “Wonder”/Auggie’s Story and have moved onto Via’s Story and are reflecting on various themes are intertwined within our novel. We are using Text Evidence to support the Themes.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • What are 2 of Your Favorite Cereals? (Cheerios)
  • What is Your Favorite Doughnut? (Glazed)
  • What is Your Favorite Math Skill to Do? (Graphing)                                                                       
  • Who is One of Your Best Friends? (Ask Your Student!)

In Social Studies, we studied about cookies from 5 different countries around the world; their origin and ingredients. Our class used this Scholastic Earth Science article to inspire us to have our own International Cookie Tasting Test! We described and ranked 4 different cookies by Appearance, Texture and Taste.  from Thailand, Scotland, Italy and Mexico.  (Upstairs Collaborative Project): we finished our building and presented our Martian Schools in an all-school Fair. Each group explained their creative designs and thoroughly answered questions posed by all the various groups that visited each Mars Team.

((Cookie Tasting Class))


Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “Bee Gees”, “Dad Rock”, “Allman Brothers Band”, “Sweater Weather”, “Motown”, “Jeneba Kanneh-Mason” (Composer), 

In Math, we reviewed and learned various Math Topics this week. Word Problems, Perimeter and Area.  During our Math Block, Zafeiris taught and reviewed: PEMDAS, Perimeter and Area,

Calculating and Measuring Our Classroom!


These are the interesting facts that our class provided: “Notes From The Lab”: Gravity Simulator, Gravity Notes, Calculating Gravity on a particular object on various planets.

Week 21: (Jan. 27 – 31)

(UPSTAIRS/(3rd-8th) Collaborative STEM)

“Designing a School on Mars”: Building Our Schools!

** Our classroom space had only 3 of the 12 teams. This is the reason for only a few students from our class being featured on our blog.


In Reading and Language Arts, our class read a Nonfiction article entitled, “Are Pro Athletes Overpaid?” as a foundation for our upcoming debate. We used this text to identify and reflect on a topic in our first Opinion Essay components. Our class discussed a strong Introduction Paragraph with an eye-catching Hook for the reader. We began to transfer our written responses from our Brain Storming onto a Google Document for Editing and Revising. Our class continues to read, analyze and grow with August “Auggie” our main character in “Wonder”. This novel is unlocking many social values and teaching us lessons about how we view, judge and group people.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • If You Had to Create a Nickname for Yourself, What would it be and Why? (Ask your student!)
  • What was Your Favorite Picture Book that Your Parents Read You? (Green Eggs + Ham)
  • Are You Neat or Messy? (Messy)                                                                          
  • What are Your Favorite Pair of Shoes that you Own? (Uggs or Famous Basketball player shoes)
  • What Fruit and Vegetable Would You Like to Try? (Dragon Fruit and Cabbage)

In Social Studies, we continued to return to the self-reflection exercise of “The 3 A’s: Apology, A-HA, and Appreciation. Each student wrote and shared specific examples during the past week. LIFE/SOCIAL SKILLS will continue to permeate every aspect of our class as we are creating such a special class and school year. Our class realizes more of their impact on our class culture and how to make a positive difference in their learning environment.  (Geography Challenge) “Topographical Landforms” are the current layer of our developing understanding of our world. We now can identify and define the various 18 landform terminology. (Upstairs Collaborative Project) our class continued to work with Ms. Beth’s and Ms. Ellen’s classes to blend into Research and Design Engineering Teams to craft functional and appealing design sketches of schools on Mars! Next week our teams will wrap up this innovation and creative project so that they will present their final model for all to see and learn.

(Instrument Introduction)

School Choice Week: (We are So Proud and Happy to be at Plato!)

Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “Workday Jazz”, “Bob Marley” and “Tchaikovsky”

In Math, we reviewed and learned various Math Topics this week. Absolute Value, FOIL, Graphing/Plotting Points During our Math Block, Zafeiris taught and reviewed: integers, word problems, distributive property and solving for a variable.


********Planetary Research*********

These are the interesting facts that our class provided: “Notes From The Lab”: Friction, Applied Forces, Push, and Pull were many of the Physics related terms and concepts that we learned.


(Week 19): Jan. 13 – 17

                      (UPSTAIRS/(3rd-8th) Collaborative STEM)

“Designing a School on Mars”: Teams Gather Martian Data, Tackle Difficult Questions + Sketch their School!!*

** Our classroom space had only 3 of the 12 teams. This is the reason for only a few students from our class being featured on our blog.


In Reading and Language Arts, our class investigated and performed a historical fiction play, “The Frozen Race“. We engaged with a collection of new vocabulary words via an interactive online game. This Arctic adventure provided us with an opportunity to learn how large Alaska was in comparison to the rest of the Continental USA, Texas (The 2nd largest state in size), and Rhode Island (the smallest state). “Wonder”  presented new themes for our class to discuss: Sarcasm, US vs Them, Coping during a Stressful Situation. We continue to acquire events in our “Rising Action” as the characters in our novel reveal more about themselves by their word and actions.

{Historical Fiction/Play Read Aloud}

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • What is a Synonym for Tired? (Our Extensive Vocabularies were on Display)
  • If You Could Be Any Emoji, Which One Would You Be? [Draw it] (Ask your Student)
  • Would you rather eat a Whole Raw Onion or Whole Lemon? ( LEMON!)                                                                                   
  • Do You Prefer Hot Dogs Or Hamburgers? (Hamburgers!)
  • Do You Like Watching Parades + Have You Ever Been in a Parade? (Yes and No)

(((Mindful Meditation)))

In Social Studies, we reviewed, shared and problem solved how to tackle Procrastination during a session on LIFE/SOCIAL SKILLS. Each one of completed a brief Bell Ringer paragraph about: why we procrastinate, what are the common activities that we put off in our lives, and finally what steps will we try to implement to limit procrastination.  (Upstairs Collaborative Project) our class continued to work with Ms. Beth’s and Ms. Ellen’s classes to blend into Research and Design Engineering Teams to craft functional and appealing design sketches of schools on Mars! (US Presidential Inauguration Day): our class viewed a few brief videos and reviewed note taking strategies to learn about Jan. 20 and the traditions associated with the beginning of a new Presidential term. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day): “The Power of Words; Spoken and Written” we saw and reflected on a powerful clip of Dr. King’s famous 1963 “I Have a Dream Speech”. Our class responded to a Writing Prompt about:  the significance of the quote “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword”, why words have the power to change who we are and what we do finally, and finally explaining how Dr. King could impact millions of people around the world.

Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “Cool Jazz”, “Deep Focus”, “Major Tom’, “Baroque Classics”.

[“Professor Math”]: Dr. Gia, Dr. Nickalus, Dr. Lily

In Math, we reviewed and learned various Math Topics this week. Professor Math wrapped up this with, Dr. Gia (Ratios), Dr. Nicholas (Ratios), and Dr. Lily (Dividing Fractions). During our Math Block, Zafeiris taught and reviewed: Integers (Positive and Negative Numbers/Adding/Subtracting/Multiplying, Solving Equations with 2 Different Variables. We continue to improve our multiplication facts knowledge with our weekly timed tests.


********Planetary Research********

These are the interesting facts that our class provided: “Notes From The Lab”: our class learned about motion, speed, and displacement. We brainstormed, spatially recorded our upstairs Treasure Maps (testing Cardinal directions and the use of a compass) and finally accepted the Map challenge from our fellow classmates to see if we could discover their carefully hidden treasure.

                                     Speed Testing (Wind-Up Toys)

(Week 18): Jan. 6 – 10

(UPSTAIRS/All Grades (3rd-8th) Collaborative STEM)

“Designing a School on Mars!”


In Reading and Language Arts, our class began the 2nd novel of the school year, “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio. We launched our deep reading of the text with an Exposition Writing Prompt to confirm the characters, setting and initial Tone.

Sharing Our Best Written Paragraph

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • What Were Your Top 3 Winter Break Highlights? (So Many Fun Memories)
  • Have You Ever Won an Award? If So, what was it for? (Our Class is filled with talented people!)
  • Would You Rather: Be in Charge/Responsible OR Be Told want to do/Less Attention? (Be in Charge)
  • What is the Most Unusual item in your Backpack right now? (Ask Your Student)
  • If you Received $100 for your birthday, how much would you save? (All of it!)

In Social Studies, LIFE/SOCIAL SKILLS: “Review + Set New Goals for 2025”, offered each one us an opportunity to reflect on first 2 goals that we set at the beginning of the school year. This week we wrote and posted 3 goals on our Goals + Vision Board. The topics for our goals covered Academic, Social, and Personal Skills. (Upstairs Collaborative Project) our class joined Ms. Beth’s and Ms. Ellen’s classes to blend into Research and Design Engineering Teams to establish a school on Mars!

(…and We Can DANCE!))

Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “EDM 2025”, “Classical New Releases”, “Floating in Space”, “Mellow Beats”, “Atmospheric Piano”, and “Puccini-Composer”.

[Professor Math]: Dr. Nefeli and Dr. Rebecca!

In Math, we reviewed and learned various Math Topics (Negative Numbers and Expressions) brought to us by Dr. Nefeli and Dr. Rebecca. Professor Math returned to our class to start 2025 off on the right foot. Each student presents a Math skill that they feel confident in and want to either introduce to us or provide this skill as a review. Our class was supportive, respectful and attentive to our “visiting Mathematician experts”. During our Math Block, Zafeiris taught and reviewed: Multiplying Expressions, Simplifying Terms, Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers.


This week our class was learning many different topics and new facts. Our class started a Planet Mini-Project. Each one of us has selected 1 of 7 planets in our Solar System, sorry Earth was not an option. 😉 We will research more than 10 topics to give us a rich, informational foundation for each one of to construct a creative Project Product covering Multiple Intelligences.

(Parent Homework):


These are the interesting facts that our class provided: “Notes From The Lab”: we made boats and tested how many marbles we could place in the hull of it before it sank. Also, we learned about distance and displacement. Our class put these terms and implemented these skills into creating “Treasure Maps” using cardinal directions, degrees on a compass and providing specific complex instructions!

Treasure Map Creation and Measuring

Week 16 (Dec. 9 – 13)

STEM: “Hour of Code”


In Reading and Language Arts, we finally completed our first novel of the year. Next week, we will have a culminating activity that will cover literary terms, characters, reading comprehension and our connection to “A Time for Courage”.  Read Aloud Discussion: taught us about family, standing up for what you believe, Justice, Growing as a Young Person, and Gratitude. Character Trait Analysis (Battle of the Books) we selected 2 characters from our novels and selected 2 different character traits that we could explain with Text Evidence and thus expanding our understanding of each tale.  Reading Comprehension Quiz our class read and responded to a reading passage selecting the best answer from multiple choices. This provided a snapshot to monitor growth over the course of the school year. We were thorough in our work and thoughtful with pre-test questions.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • Would You Rather: live on a Sailboat in the Ocean OR live in a Cabin in the Woods? (Cabin)
  • What is Your Favorite Application and Computer Game? (Ask Your Student)
  • Would You Rather: Do School Work in a Random Group or By Yourself? (Random Group)
  • What is Your Favorite Christmas Treat? (Hot Chocolate with Mini Marshmallows)
  • What is a Synonym for Cold? (Ask Your Student)

In Social Studies, (Performing Arts/Theater) our class joined Ms. Anna’s, Ms. Beth’s, and Ms. Ellen’s classes as we took in “A Christmas Carol”. We were a respectful and attentive audience. Holiday Show: the past few weeks our class has been learning, teaching, dancing and singing in preparation for the Annual Plato Holiday Show at The Des Plaines Theater. We can’t wait to see you and your families there on Wednesday, December 18th!


Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “Mariah Carey”, “Christmas Jazz”, “Mellow Christmas”, “Country Christmas”, “Latin Christmas Classics”, “R+B Christmas”.

(Math Jeopardy) Student Created Review Questions


“Professor Math”: (Dr. Marina and Dr. Jason)

In Math, we continued to learn from one another with an installment of “Professor Math”. This time Dr. Marina and Dr. Jason taught us Powers of Ten and Multiplication of Fractions/Decimals with Converting Fractions to Decimals. “Math Jeopardy” returned to our class as each student provided various, challenging questions of topics that we have reviewed over the past few months.  During our Math Block, Zafeiris taught and reviewed: Multiplication (Timed Test 100 problems), Word Problems and Divisiblity Rules for various numbers 2-9. STEM: (HOUR OF CODE) our class took the global challenge of learning and creating computer programs. Each one of us selected a game to unlock and build with over 92 million students covering over 180 countries! Our interactive “hour” covered logic, problem solving and creativity. If you are looking for something free, safe, fun, and educational over the Winter Break: www.code.org.


(CHEMISTRY) This week our class was learning many different topics and new facts. We love science! So many questions and studying the world around us. These are the interesting facts that each one of our class member provided: “Notes From The Lab”: crystals (Table salt, Epson Salt, and Borax) creation and observation, unique and repetitive patterns of deformed prisms, how crystals are formed, Crystal labs (their creation), about chemical reactions, how they were formed. Crystallization creation is an important part of Chemistry! It was surprising how quickly the crystals formed. Crystals are mostly formed by steaming hot water. Ice, sand, sugar, chocolate, ceramics, metal, and DNA all have crystals in them. Some beakers were hot and some were very cold due to water temperature and the environment of the lab.

Studying Our Crystals and Drawing the Patterns!

Week 14: (Nov. 18 – 22)



In Reading and Language Arts, we endure through the final 1/4 of our novel and are approaching many different topics and themes during our daily Read Aloud Discussion: we will return to our novel after the break. (Check Back, next week).  Interpretive Summary: our class took the current books from B.O.B. (Battle of the Books) challenge to use an opportunity as a comprehension check-in and practice our word processing skills. Conference Prep (Scripts): Editing, Revisions and Practicing reading aloud to grow in confidence as we reflect on the successes and challenges we had this first grading period. Thanksgiving Week Plans Prompt (Have To and Hope To): we created a descriptive paragraph on Google Docs to answer what we have to and hope to do over the week off that have for Thanksgiving Break. We are learning that shorter and stronger sentences can often be a better choice.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • If You Could Be Any Animal, Which Would You Be? (Dog)
  • Are You a Glass ½ Full or ½ Empty Person? (1/2 Full)
  • What is Your Favorite Healthy Snack? (Apple)
  • In Your Family, Who Gives the Best Hugs? (Mom)
  • What are Your 3 Favorite Foods at Thanksgiving? (Turkey, Potatoes, and Pie)

In Social Studies, LIFE/SOCIAL SKILLS: “The 3 A’s” were an excellent time for us to reflect on our past weekend; Apology, Appreciation (Gratitude), and an A-HA moment. CONFERENCE PREP: we tackled some difficult and important questions about our Social Skills, Respect/Philotimo, and strategies for a healthy Growth Mindset. (A Day of Gratitude): the entire upstairs…Ms.Beth’s, Ms. Ellen’s and our class wrote down specific thoughts of gratitude to the Plato staff and posted them secretly in various places all around the school. “Miracles are all around us!”

/Thankful Students/

Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “70’s Rock Drive”, “Mozart”, “Intense Studying”, “Mariah Carey”, “Mediterranean Guitar Vibes”, and “Smooth Jazz Classics”.

“Professor Math”: Everyone is a learner AND a Teacher!

In Math, we reviewed and learned these Math Challenge Weekly Topics:   “Professor Math”: we began our first round of introducing and leading the class in demonstrating Math skills. This round of presentations is based on “Confident” skills. Each one of us provided an example with detailed steps and 2 follow-up sample problems to check for understanding. This week Dr. Leo, Dr. Teddy B., and Dr. Teddy A were our class presenters. During our Math Block, Zafeiris taught and reviewed: Multiplication facts, Comparing Fractions, and Solving for a Variable.

(Math Quiz Time!)


(CHEMISTRY) This week our class was learning many different topics and new facts. These are the interesting facts that our class provided: “Notes From The Lab”: synthesis reaction Model (Steel wool in Vinegar).


Week 13 (Nov. 11 – 15)


**See Parents Notes and our Sign Up email for more details how your family can contribute.


In Reading and Language Arts, we endure through the final 1/4 of our novel and are approaching many different topics and themes during our daily Read Aloud Discussion:   Interpretive Summary: our class responded to this prompt via Google Docs, as continue to grow more confident in creating written documents in Word processors. Conference Prep (Scripts): our class begins to review the previous work from the past grading period and adding words of self reflection from assignment samples that were Proud Pieces and which were Challenging Pieces.In addition, we taking a hard look at our Social Skills, Growth Mindset, and how we convey the beautiful world view of Philotimo in our everyday lives.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • H0w do You Serve Your Family, Community and Country? (Help needy or Homeless)
  • What 3 Words Best Describe Our School Year (So far)? (Interesting, Challenging, Fun)
  • Synonym for the Word: Challenging? (Difficult and so many more)
  • If You Were Invisible for a Day, What Would You Do? (Scare People and Travel)
  • What 3 Words Best Describe Your Family? (See Your Student’s Answer Below)

In Social Studies, we honored Veteran’s Day by studying the US Military, War, and explore the complete picture of serving our country. Our class began this visual presentation and discussion with honoring America’s colors with The US National Anthem. We reflected upon the creative US posters prior and during WWI used to explain the greater, national call to service. Also, we unpacked many photos Pre-War/Off to Combat and Post War/Returning to Home. LIFE/SOCIAL SKILLS: “Mindful Meditation” our class viewed an animated short Film entitled “Piper” and we shared what was the tone that it instilled in us and what were the Life Lessons we took away from our viewing: Perseverance, Learning from our Mistakes, Staying Positive, and Life can be Challenging at times.  Geography Challenge: “Europe: Southern Countries (18)” is the FIRST quiz to complete the European Passport. Our class has the countries listed in Google Classroom; test the whole family!

{Mindful Meditation: Short Film}

Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “Classic Military Songs”, “John Williams-Composer”, “The Star Spangled Banner”, “Joao Gilberto”, “Breathe”, “Sci-Fi Scapes”, “70’s Soul Classics”, “Mariah Carey”, and “90’s Dance Party”.

Estimation and Rationalizing Our Method

In Math, we reviewed and learned these Math Challenge Weekly Topics:  Ratios, Percentages, Greater Than/Less Than, Inequalities, Number Lines. Our class prepped for Professor Math! Each student must choose a skill that they are confident in and find 3 problems (1 sample with the steps explained and then 2 problems for the rest of the class to solve to check for understanding.  During our Math Block, Zafeiris reviewed and introduced some exciting and challenging topics and skills for our class: Least Common Multiple (LCM), Cross Multiplication, Estimation, and Prime Numbers.


(CHEMISTRY) This week our class was learning many different topics and new facts. These are the interesting facts that our class provided: “Notes From The Lab”: no matter how quickly you close the cap on the bottle (atoms will escape), when you put the cap on the atoms try to escape, too much pressure will propel any cap, the chemicals made the water fizz up, pressure can defy the laws of Physics, the weight of the bottle with water and gas changed, and mass is neither created nor destroyed; it just merely changes states!

Chemical Reactions: [This Experiment Really Pops!]

Week 12 (Nov. 4 – 8)

[[[Elevating Our Writing/Hunting for Text Evidence]]]

In Reading and Language Arts, we endure through the final 1/4 of our novel and are approaching many different topics and themes during our daily Read Aloud Discussion: perseverance, bravery, justice, longing for a simpler time, finding peace in a chaotic world, abuse, and the widespread pain of war. Interpretive Summary: our class responded to this prompt via Google Docs, as continue to grow more confident in creating written documents in Word processors. We are emerging as more 5 Paragraph Essay”: We reviewed the building blocks of crafting a thoughtful and structured essay. Our class is launching the first major writing assignment for the school year.

(Let Our Voices Soar)

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • What is Your Favorite Letter/Component of STEM? (Science and Technology)
  • Which School Subject do you Wish you were Better at? (Math and Writing)
  • What’s the Bravest Thing You’ve Ever Done? (Ride a Roller Coaster or Held a Snake)
  • What Makes You Angry? (Siblings or Watching The Bears!)
  • What Makes a Good Friend? (Ask your Student)

In Social Studies, we presented our digital educational presentation on The 3 Branches of The US Government Project. There were 6 Research Teams.  I hope your student shares and practices their presentation with you; we have worked so hard over the past 3 weeks. LIFE/SOCIAL SKILLS: (Rubrics) Our class created a 3 Category rubric to use as the grading standard for our Research Project and Presentations. The 3 categories that we established and agreed upon were: Research, Creativity and Presentation. Presidential Voting/Ballot Initiative Prompt: Our class read and dissected 3 common Illinois ballot initiatives, took them home to discuss with their parents and then wrote about this experience along with our Class Presidential election.  Geography Challenge: “Countries of Europe” our class continues to build upon the expanding knowledge of the early 20th century specifically the geopolitical landscape. We have accepted the daunting task of learning all 46 European countries!

3 Branches of US Government Research Projects!

Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “Epic Classical”, “Light Academia”, “Earth Wind and Fire”, “Duke Ellington”, and “Instrumental Celtic Folk”. 

In Math, we reviewed and learned these Math Challenge Weekly Topics:  Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers. During our Math Block, Zafeiris reviewed and introduced some exciting and challenging topics and skills for our class: Proportions, Solving for a Variable, Cross Multiplication, Division, Equivalent Ratios, Comparing Fractions Using Visual Diagrams, Greater Than > and Less Than <, and Equivalent Fractions with the Same Denominators.


(CHEMISTRY) This week our class was learning many different topics and new facts. These are the interesting facts that our class provided: “Notes From The Lab”  chemical and physical changes of mixtures, indicator that a light-up bracelet has undergone a chemical reaction, covalent bonding and molecules, five main signs to indicate a chemical reaction, chemicals change shape (but the composition remains the same), in a physical reaction the form does change, chemical change is often used in glucose or oxygen, chemical reaction is when two or more substances react to form a new substance, Magnesium and oxygen react to form Magnesium Oxide, chemical equations is a symbiotic representation of chemical reactions, bubbles are an indicator of a chemical reaction, color changes when iron is exposed to oxygen, precipitate will cause the temperature of a liquid to drop, and covalent bonds are bonds formed when atoms share electrons. (Impressive Scientists) 😉

(We Discover a New Friend at Recess!)

Week 11 (Oct. 28 – Oct. 31)

In Reading and Language Arts, we are 2/3 the way through our first novel. I am so proud of the literary, critical thinking, and story development interpretation skills of our class. Each one of us is learning more about our nation’s history, the power of Coming-of-Age tale and ultimately about ourselves. We thoroughly read, interpret figurative language, predict and discuss our historical novel, “Dear America: A Time for Courage”. This week we posed numerous insightful questions over a series of some complex issues during our daily Read Aloud Discussion: democracy, patriotism, justice, freedom, family, and sacrifice. “Weekend Recap” Interpretive Summary: we used one of “Morning Huddle” ideas to write about our thoughts. Each one of us stated and explained via our Writing Journal: what was the Best Thing about our Weekend?(Why), What was the most challenging thing? (Why?), and finally What life lesson did we learn about ourselves or others? Interpretive Summary (Typed): our class created their first typed response to learn the formatting and stamina necessary to draft a typed writing prompt response for our novel.

Our Next Geo Challenge (European Countries)

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • What is One of Your Favorite Songs? (I Don’t Know)
  • What is Your Zodiac Sign? (So Many Interesting Answers!)
  • What is Your Favorite Chocolate Candy? (Twix)
  • What is the Best Halloween Costume You Ever Wore? (Ask Your Student)

In Social Studies, we are finally wrapping up our digital educational presentation on The 3 Branches of The US Government Project. We are presenting our Research projects next week. I hope your student shares and practices their presentation with you; we have worked so hard over the past 3 weeks.  LIFE/SOCIAL SKILLS: “(Geography Challenge: “Countries of Europe”) our next and quite daunting task for our explorers will be for us to identify and remember the 46 European countries! Halloween: We explored the spiritually complex and historic holiday of Halloween. Our realized how different immigrant groups bring their traditions to our diverse country and how these holiday practices evolved over the past 2,000 years!


Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “Andrea Bocelli”, “Classical New Releases”, “Instrumental Reading”,  “Edward Elgar-Composer”, and “Halloween Party”.

In Math, we reviewed and learned these Math Challenge Weekly Topics:  Mixed Numbers, Fraction Equivalents, Ordered Pairs, Graphing. During our Math Block, Zafeiris reviewed and introduced some exciting and challenging topics and skills for our class: Simplifying expressions with Variables and Constants, Ratios, and Proportions.


(CHEMISTRY) This week our class was learning many different topics including: Noble Gases (Card Game…”Get to The Top!), Creating Bonds, Matching Positive and Negative Charged Elements (creating a Card Game), Building a Molecule using Different Elements, Transferring Comics to Stop-Motion Videos (How Covalent Bonds Form), Fictional Account of the Origin of Atoms (Stop Motion Video), How Positive and Negative Charges work and are attracted to One Another, and How Every Element wants to be a Noble Gas (Stop-Motion Video)!

Week 10 (Oct. 21 – 25)

In Reading and Language Arts, we curiously persist through our historical novel, “Dear America: A Time for Courage”. This week we wrestled with some complex issues during our daily Read Aloud Discussion: When to Go to War (If Ever), Comparing WWI aggressive Nations to Women not Having the Right to Vote in the USA, Regional Cultural Differences (North vs. South), Disagreeing on a Major Issue with a Friend or Family Member (and still maintain the relationship). Claim Based Writing offered a chance to challenge our connections and analysis of our novel. Our class returned to this writing prompt later in the week and selected 1 of 6 different themes to prove with text evidence and thoughtful explanation to practice this essential skill.

(Stating Our Claims)

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (Most Common Response)

  • Who is One of Your Favorite Authors? (Rick Riordan)
  • What is Your Favorite Sandwich? (PB + J)
  • What is Your Favorite Sports Team? (Chicago Bears)
  • Does Outer Space Amaze or Intimidate You? (Amaze)
  • What is the Strangest Thing you have seen in your Refrigerator? (Ask Your Student)



In Social Studies, we are finally wrapping up our digital educational presentation on The 3 Branches of The US Government Project. Our groups are in the final push for next week and I eagerly await the final products and presentations so that we may a learn more about our national government, its roles and how we can make change to our nation.  LIFE/SOCIAL SKILLS: “Class Compliment Challenge” each one of donned a blank paper plate on our back and moved around our classroom space, writing and receiving specific compliments to and from our classmates. We learned that is often difficult to offer a kind sentence or two that something truly genuine and specific. Also, our class realized that many classmates only know 1 or two things about us or our talents. (Geography Challenge: “US Contigous Rivers “): We covered 14 rivers across the USA, from coast to coast. Again, our class had to confront a physical paper map and match the appropriate river name to the proper location. We are determined Geography explorers, trying to create a more complete vision and understanding of our nation and world.


Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: “Sergei Prokofiev-Composer”, “Workday Jazz”, “Coffee House Guitar”, “Feel Good Piano”, “Intense Studying”, “Mellow Beats”, “Top Gun Soundtrack”

In Math, we reviewed and learned these Math Challenge Weekly Topics: negative numbers, Computational formulas to complete an X+Y Grid coordinate table, Plotting These points, and finally recognizing patterns. These are the foundations for Slope Intercept Formula, a skill we will touch upon this year. During our Math Block, Zafeiris challenged us with these topics: Order of Operations, Rations, and Solving for Variables.



(CHEMISTRY) This week our class was learning many different topics including: Ionic Bonding of Elements, how they gain or lose valence Electrons, Ionic Compounds (the second element has to be an Alkaline metal and has to have an -IDE at the end), Neon is an element with one of the most electrons, and the 14 row on the Periodic Table of Elements is the border between positive and negative charges. (BIOLOGY) We read, discussed, studied, and analyzed the impressive and vast migration of Monarch Butterflies from Mexico to all across most of The United States.

===========Science Notes, Instructional Comics (Elements)============