Week 32: (April 29 – May 2)

Visiting The Bee Shop

In Reading and Language Arts, our class received their graded Final Exam of “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”. We reviewed and discussed the format  for the final test that covered the entire novel. The test included: 20 Multiple Choice, 10 Fill in the Blank, and 1 essay (Select 1 of 3 Essay Questions to write upon). I was very proud of the class effort and skill at not only remembering many characters, settings, and events in the book, but how we can connect and analyze the text. “Battle of the Books: Round 3”: WOW! So many stories, hours and effort from our class to complete their assignment of reading 4 of the 8 books that our teams were tested on. I was so proud of all my students and their teams: “The Blue Monkeys”, “Monkeys on Mars”, “John the Onion”, and “The Reading Racers”!

Congratulations to The Blue Monkeys (Julia and Soti), who were on the winning team!

(Battle of The Books)


ART: Perfected Perspectives!

Question of The Day (3 Most Common Responses)

-What Are You Excited About for This Week? (Battle of The Books)

-Why is Honesty Important in Life? (Ask Your Student)

-Do You Believe in UFO’s or Aliens? (YES)

-Would You Rather: Always Have to Sing Rather Than Speak OR Dance Everywhere You Go? (DANCE)

(Class Spotify Playlist): “Calm Vibes”, “Johnny Cash”, “Monteverdi-Composer”, “Levon Helm”, “Opera Classics”, “Coffee Beats”.

Who’s Up for a Game? 

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills from over the course of the school year were tested via 3 different multiple choice assessments. After a week of really hard work, curiosity, and creativity we had some Game Time to laugh and learn from each other!

We Love to Eat and Be With Friends!


We are Smart, Kind, Athletic, Funny and CAN DANCE!!

During Science, we visited The Bee Shop (hosted by Ms. Soraya and Ms. Anna’s classes for their Service Project). They were teaching and reminding our school of the importance of the simple Bee for the balance of a healthy Ecosystem and growth of so many varieties of plants and flowers. Also, our class reinforced our Math skills by understanding how to receive accurate change when purchasing items to support such a great cause! studied the Environment, especially the effects of Erosion on beaches. Our class put our nonfiction literacy knowledge to the test as we unpacked  Vocabulary associated with erosion and how we can effectively inform others about this concern. Our class completed a STEM covering Psychology . Each one of us created personal and honest lists of 3 Things We Love (Food or Activities) and 3 Things We Strongly Dislike (Food or Activity). Each one of us was randomly partnered up with another classmate. We each were the Tester, as well as, the Subject being studied. Science Fair: each group met and continued to question what materials would be necessary and crafted the scientific detailed procedures and instructions necessary to test their Hypotheses.

STEM (Psychology: Human Lie Detectors)

Week 31: (April 22 – 26)

(FINAL EXAM) “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”


In Reading and Language Arts, our class culminated our literary journey with completing all the work associated with  “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”. We reviewed and discussed the format  for the final test that covered the entire novel. The test included: 20 Multiple Choice, 10 Fill in the Blank, and 1 essay (Select 1 of 3 Essay Questions to write upon). I was very proud of the class effort and skill at not only remembering many characters, settings, and events in the book, but how we can connect and analyze the text. “Battle of the Books: Round 3”: We continue to write our brief summaries and also finish up our 4 book minimum class standard. The end of next week, we will begin reviewing and quizzing each other on every book in this challenge. The Battle of the Books will be next Monday! Our class has read so many books, connected with so many different characters, places, themes and adventures.

ART (Warm Up with Circles)


ART: Perspective Landscapes!

Question of The Day (3 Most Common Responses)

-What Are 2 Ways You Can Help the Environment? (No Littering, Recycling, Plant More Trees)

-Do You Like Picnics? (YES!)

-What 3 New Places are on Your Must Visit List? (Italy, California, Iceland)

-Have You Ever Been With Your Parents to Work for “Take Your Child to Work Day”? (NO)

-Do You Like Pretzels? If So, What Kind? (Yes, Soft!)

(Class Spotify Playlist): “Gipsy Kings”, “Pavarotti”, “Perfect Concentration”, “Instrumental Dance Hits”, and “Mozart”.

Ms. Anna’s Class/”Save the Bees” School Project!

In Social Studies, our class joined the Middle School to welcome The Hellenic Bar Association representatives to discuss The Greek Law Day Essays. Each student prepared questions about: how to be a better writer, more successful in school, current political topics, famous/influential court cases, and many more. We were an engaging, curious and respectful audience. We returned to study and unpack The Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments of The US Constitution. Our class viewed a brief video and initiated dissecting the text of the First 5 Amendments of The Bill of Rights. Next week, we will finish Amendments 6-10 and create deeper meaning and personal connections to what these protect rights mean to us as Americans.

(Greek Law Day Assembly)

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Mixed Numbers, Consecutive Odd Integers, Combing like terms, FOIL, Slope Intercept Form, Exponential Notation, and Decimals”. “Professor Math”: Julia and Charlotte provided some tips and explained how they correctly calculated the answers to our weekly Advanced Bonus (S.A.T. Math Problems). Many of our class got at least 1 of the problems correct!

Impromptu Professor Math!

During Science, we studied Biology in the article, “Meet the World’s Deadliest Creature“…the MOSQUITO! This read and discussion session explored human and mosquito adaptation, fighting Malaria, and innovations in Medicine.  Environment, especially the effects of Erosion on beaches. This SuperSTEM article is laying the ground work for our Erosion STEM experiment next week. Our class launched the initial stages of a Psychology Experiment for next week. Each one of created personal and honest lists of 3 Things We Love (Food or Activities) and 3 Things We Strongly Dislike (Food or Activity). Our STEM activity linked with these lists will test the “true” validity of our responses. Science Fair: Our class returned to meet with our Middle School Groups to plan for the upcoming collection of scientific experiments and inquiry. We focused on assembling the supplies list and the various steps of the Scientific Method.

Week 30 (April 15 – 19)

(ART) Our PAUL KLEE Techniques

In Reading and Language Arts, our class finally completed our thorough reading and analysis of our last and 4th novel of the school year, “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”. We began reviewing for the final test that will cover the entire novel. This test will include: Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer, 1 brief essay, and this will be given next week! “Battle of the Books: Round 3”: We continue to write our brief summaries and also finish up our 4 book minimum class standard. The end of next week, we will begin reviewing and quizzing each other on every book in this challenge. The 1st Round of The Battle of the Books is rapidly approaching; our school will hosting the initial rounds the 2 weeks. Des Plaines Library: Our class journeyed back to our public library to participate in the Poetry Scavenger Hunt Competition. We explored around the youth section on the 2nd floor to find, read, and match various styles of poems covering a range of topics.

Library (Poetry Scavenger Hunt)

-Would You Rather: Go Back and Redo 1st Grade or Jump Ahead to 12th Grade? (1st Grade!)

-Would You Rather: Live with Your Parents Forever or Live on Your Own Starting Today? (Parents Forever)

-Would You Rather: Have No Kids When You Grow Up or Have No Pets? (No PETS!)

-If You Could Change any 3 Things in the World, What Would they Be?

        (No War, No Poverty, No Hunger, No Disease, and Kindness)

-Would You Rather: Travel Across USA via Train OR Travel Across Atlantic via Boat? (USA on a Train) 

Class Spotify Playlist: “Cinematic Chillout”, “Feel Good Soundtracks”, “Piano in the Background”, “John Mayer”, and “The Band”.

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Mixed Numbers (Adding), Exponents Powers of Fractions and Decimals, Solving for a Variable, Square Roots and Making an Equation a True Statement, Graphing and Analyzing Data.

During Science, we engaged in various brief SuperSTEM articles this week and some topics that we explored and discussed were: Biology “Meet the World’s Deadliest Creature” about the deadly impact that mosquitos has had on humanity through world history and how was our learning to combat the diseases that they often carry. Our class also read and clinically analyzed a Conservation text in Storyworks, entitled “Saving America’s Eagle“. We studied various text features and how they are used to enhance our reading and understanding of the Our National Symbol. Our class joined the 8th Graders in Ms. Bia/Mr. Erick’s class to begin brainstorming for our upcoming Science Fair. Each team discussed various topics and questions that could be the foundation of an intriguing experiment.

Science Fair (Our Teams Brainstorming)

Week 29: (April 8 – 12)

(P.A.W.S: Pets Are Worth Saving) is Our Class Service Project!

Parents: Please check the email about the upcoming School Sale we are putting on to raise funds.

In Reading and Language Arts, our class continued to read and discuss “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”  common themes:  justice, revenge, standing up for yourself, and forgiveness. Reading Comprehension Quiz: our class had its 2nd, at-home reading assignment for our class novel. This time the questions were even more challenging and our class did EVEN better as a class!  “Battle of the Books: Round 3”: We continue to write our brief summaries and also finish up our 4 book minimum class standard. The end of next week, we will begin reviewing and quizzing each other on every book in this challenge. The 1st Round of The Battle of the Books is to be beginning of May!  Hellenic Law Day Essay: our class rigorously continued to revise and reread our thoughtful and inspiring, 5 paragraph persuasive essays on whether Social Media Companies are liable for cyberbullying and inappropriate content transmitted online. We continue to hone our argumentative skills and build on the foundations of how to construct a logical, effective academic paper. I am so proud of my students! Ask them what they learned about The 5 Paragraph essay format and their writing process.

Quiz Time! 

-How Will You Challenge Yourself Today? (Stay on Task or Be a Better Student)

-Would You Rather: Eat Lunch w/Group of Random Kids or Alone? (Alone)

-What Are Your 2 Favorite Flavor Profiles? (Sweet and Sour)

-Would You Rather: Only Be Able to Shout Or Only be Able to Whisper? (Whisper)

-What Are 2 Class Goals that You Want to Achieve by the End of the School Year? 

Class Spotify Playlist: “Pink Floyd”, “Feel Good Beats”, “Atmospheric Focus”, “Handel-Composer”, “Beach Boys”, “Classical X”, “Cumbias-El Salvador”, “Dizzy Gillespie”, “Creative Focus”.


In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Graphing Quadrilaterals, FOIL, Combing Like Terms, Adding/Subtracting Fractions”. Math Jeopardy returned to our class. We each produced 2 problems from our Khan Academy assignments to test our fellow classmates. So many different topics and skills that challenged our teams (“Frog Empire”, “Plato Meow Meows”, and “We Don’t Know Math”). Finally, Math Lab began this week. There are 4 Teams of 3 students; each team meets in a small group setting with me at least once a week for 15-20 minutes to review challenging topics, go over The Math Challenge skill of that day, and extend each one of our comfort and understanding of new Math concepts. So far, these Teams have been a huge success; demonstrating growth and a multitude of great questions confirming calculation cloudiness.

During Science, we engaged in various brief SuperSTEM articles this week and some topics that we explored and discussed were: Engineering Barbie Doll Inspiration, Marine Biology Sound Traveling through the Sea, Human Biology of Eye Colors Inheritance, and Engineering/Farming Cow Care techniques. Solar Eclipse: Our class viewed a PBS video entitled, “What the 2024 Solar Eclipse is Such a Big Deal!”. We honed our note taking skills while watching this video and then transferred our notes into an Informative Summary writing prompt. Also, our class learned Chalk Art blending and shading techniques, creating our own artistic solar eclipse art pieces!



Week 27: (Mar. 11 – 15)

Mailing our Friendly Letters! 

In Reading and Language Arts, our class continued to read and discuss “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”  common themes:  justice, revenge, standing up for yourself, and forgiveness. Reading Comprehension Quiz: we were assigned a 10 page passage to read our class novel “Roll of Thunder…”overnight and then were given a 5 question, Multiple Choice Quiz. The majority of our class did outstanding! Writing a Letter:  our class completed our “Friendly Letter” and sent it out this week. We were so eager to see our special person’s response. “Battle of the Books: Round 3”: our class met this week to discuss their progress and plan ahead over the next few weeks where they will be progressing in reaching their personal reading goals. Typing: our class is maintaining their high accuracy scores while adding new finger stroke techniques allowing them to feel more confident with their sessions.  Hellenic Law Day Essay: our class began to unpack, discuss, and brainstorm about who is liable for many societal problems that are transmitted via Social Media platforms: Social Media Companies or its Users.

Brainstorming about Social Media!

-Are There Any Talents that Seem to Have Been Passed Down in Your Family? (Ask Your Student)

-What is the Nicest Thing Someone in this Room has Ever Done for You? (Help with Math/Clean Uniform)

-Would You Rather Be: the Funniest Person in the Room or the Most Intelligent? (Funniest)

-Would You Rather: Live Without Music or Live Without Movies? (Movies)

Class Spotify Playlist: “Lava Lamp”, “Music for Writing”, “Forest Bathing”,  and “U2”.

The Greek Independence Show 

In Social Studies, our class began discussing  the holiest of holidays in Islam,  “Ramadan”. This gave us opportunity to personally reflect and respond about which Religious Holiday is truly special to us, which traditions, prayers or customs does your family partake in during this special day or period of time. Social and Life Skills (Conference Prep): we continue to reflect  about our learning and work over the past grading period. Our class has started meeting with me to polish up the rough draft responses to our Conference Script. We are making sure that our answers are thorough and authentically represent all the tremendous work we have created and accomplished.  “The Greek Independence Show”: our class sang, acted, and danced with joy, pride and with such theatrical talent. It was a very proud day for only for our class, but also Plato Academy and most importantly Greeks around the world! US Government: our class viewed “The Schoolhouse Rock” version of The Preamble. We read and explored the various essential vocabulary words of The Preamble and how these verbs lay the foundation for our government.

US Constitution “Schoolhouse Rock” 

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Graphing Polygons, Area and Perimeter, Geometry (Radius, Diameter, Circumference), and Decimals”.

During Science, we engaged in a SuperSTEM text entitled, “A Slimy Superhero(Life Science), where Sea farmers are offering solutions to  solving many environmental issues with the developing more uses for seaweed!

Week 26: (Mar. 4 – 8)

In Reading and Language Arts, our class continued to read and discuss “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”  common themes: wisdom from Elders, knowing that some events can be the last straw, standing up for yourself,  and the sacrifices parents make for their children.  Writing a Letter:  our class completed our “Friendly Letter” and sent it out this week. We were so eager to see our special person’s response. “Battle of the Books: Round 3”: the 4 Groups met earlier this week to select their Team name and divide up the reading of the 8 books assigned for this round. Typing: our class continues to build upon previous key combination lessons and various tests. We are focusing on proper technique and accuracy. Hellenic Law Day Essay: we launched this annual Plato event on Friday, by reading and discussing the prompt about Social Media, Public Health, and Censorship.

-Who is the Most Interesting Person You Have Ever Met? (Ask Your Student)

-What Topic/Subject do You Love Learning About? (History)

-What Events in History Would You Like to Go Back in Time and Witness? (1980’s)

-What is Your Earliest Memory? (Family Member Born/1st Day of School)

-Who Are Your Female Heroes? (My Mom) 


Class Spotify Playlist: “Boom Bap Focus”, “Binaural Study Beats”, “Reggae Classics”, “Relaxing Mozart”, “90’s Pop”, and “Tim McGraw”

(Leadership Day): We CAN Make a Difference!

In Social Studies, our class began discussing  Social and Life Skills (Conference Prep): we began to reflect with in about our learning and work over the past grading period. Our class reviewed both our Math and Writing Journal to label, 2 Proud Pieces and 2 Challenging Pieces for each one. We needed to provide a reason why we were proud or challenged by this assignment. Our class continues to wrestle with our own learning and how we can share with our parents our academic and social growth over the past grading period.  “Stand Up; Leadership Day: nearly all of our class attended the annual event at The Illinois Holocaust Museum. We learned and grew in not only our social skills, but also about how to solve community level problems, especially concerning hunger and healthy food scarcity. US Government: our class began learning about The US Constitution and linking it with prior knowledge about the 3 Branches of Government. We beginning to explore The Bill of Rights and will build upon both foundational understandings when we unpack The US Civil Rights Era after Spring Break. International Women’s Day: our class celebrated this annual holiday by exploring and researching a Famous Woman in History and using our biographical information to create a clever and educational Acrostic Poem.

Celebrating Famous Women in History


St. Baldrick’s Day: Supporting Our Families

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Fractions (Addition, Subtraction), Decimals (Rounding, Place Values, Addition), Algebraic Equations, and Word Problems (Translating words into Equations).

During Science, we learned about Astronomy and Physics in the SuperSTEM article, “Collision Course” we learned about ways to test what happens when a smaller object collides with a larger one. This STEM lab required us to partner up and put our engineering skills to the test!

STEM: (Astronomy and Physics Collide!)

Week 25 (Feb. 26 – Mar. 1)

(Time to Read!)

In Reading and Language Arts, our class continued to read and discuss “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”  common themes: wisdom from Elders, knowing that some events can be the last straw, standing up for yourself,  and the sacrifices parents make for their children.  Writing a Letter: we are finishing up our “Friendly Letters”. We are transferring our written work from our Writing Journals onto Google Docs. Our class is conducted Peer Reviews of our letters, looking for tone, stories that contain details and inviting questions to our intended reader. “Battle of the Books: Round 3”: this round of literacy and comprehension competition will put our Plato students up against Central School. As a class, we previewed each book and then made our initial selections for the competition. Our class standard is that each one of us must read at least 4 books. We are excited about the wide variety of book types and topics that span the 8 books available.   Typing: our class continues to strengthen their fine-motor skills, growing familiarity with the home row keys and using the appropriate finger stroke for each key.

-How do You Behave like a Model Student in Our Class? (Be Kind, Productive, Do Your Best)

-What is Something Your Parents Grew Up w/ in the 80’s/90’s that you Wish was Part of Your Life?

(Freedom + Random Fun with Friends)

-Can You Sleep in a Moving Vehicle? (Yes)

-List a Time When You Felt Proud of Your Hard Work/Perseverance (Sports/Learning new Math skill)

-What is the Most Important Room in Your Home? (Kitchen)

Class Spotify Playlist: “Otis Redding”, “Elgar-Composer”, “The B-52’s”, “Reading Adventure”, “The Black Crowes”, and “Harlem Renaissance”.

Sharing American History

In Social Studies, our class began discussing  Social and Life Skills (Growth Mindset) when we viewed an inspirational video by NBA Legends, Kobe Bryant and Phil Jackson. They shared with us the power of Meditation and going within our own mind and spirit to focus ourselves through life’s challenges.  Shirley Chisholm is a Verb!  was a class read aloud and taught us important life lessons about taking action in life to make the world a better place, from the famous Congresswoman Rep. Shirley Chisholm, who was the first African-American woman in Congress and also the first African-American woman to run for President! (Health/Wellness): Plato had a special visit from “First Class Smiles”, a local dentist, who reminded us about how to take care of our teeth and gums. “Harlem Renaissance” was an opportunity for Ms. Emma of The Des Plaines History Center to lead us in a lesson in Art History and Teaching Painting Techniques of the famous African-American painter, Aaron Douglas.

(Harlem Renaissance) Learning “Aaron Douglas” Painting Techniques

We are Artists! (Our interpretation of Mr. Douglas’ Style)


(Celebrating Ms. Maria’s Birthday) UpperGrades All Sing!

Growth Mindset + Mediation + Kobe = Inspiration

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges: everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Decimals, Fractions, Graphing, Slope, Predicting New Plotted Points Based on a Formula, Open Middle (Logic Patterns, Square Root Equations),  “If/Then Algebra”, and Translating Math words into an Equation. Multiplicity Lab “What’s Missing?” challenged our understanding of how to fractionalize a photo, describe what fraction was missing of the entire photo, and finally a more specific calculation of objects within the photo.

During Science, we learned about Meteorology, in general, “Weather vs. Climate and shone a light on “How Clouds are Formed?” Our class compared the climates of Chicago, Illinois and Greece. We listed and discussed the general patterns of the seasons, precipitation, and gradual/consistent seasonal changes vs. inconsistent/erratic. Astronomy taught our class about Astroids, Meteors, and how Astronomers have studied them throughout history. Our class had a Google Classroom assignment linking our exploration of Astroids; we viewed a video and then posted 2 Facts we learned and 1 Thing we Wondered.

(Learning about Protecting Our Smiles)

Week 24: (Feb 20 – 23)

(Social Skills): Introductions!

In Reading and Language Arts, our class continued to read and discuss “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”  during our BookTalk sessions, which have now moved into the cozy class library. We had one of the inspiring and rigorous conversations about how all of our novels during this school year have these common themes: Overcoming Hardship, Determination, the Power of the Individual, Accepting Discriminatory Behavior, and Tragedy and even death. Also, we proceed to research the parts of speech and definitions of the new vocabulary words that are presented with each chapter.  STUDY SKILLS: our class took this opportunity to share and teach one another about the Characters, Events, and Locations/Places in the novel by getting up and moving around the room and decorating Giant sticky-note posters with colorful Post-Its. Our class is nearing the middle of our novel and had our first comprehension quiz. The results are in and we really know our novel well! Writing a Letter: we add more detail to our Friendly Letter, dissected the various elements of a letter (anecdotes/personal stories) and questions for our reader.

Creating Study Notes

YOGA: (Mind, Body and Spirit)

Who is Your Favorite US President? (George Washington)

-Is it Harder to Be a Leader Or a Follower? (Leader)

-What is Your Favorite Kind of Bread? (White Bread)

-Is it Easier to Love or Be Loved? (Be Loved)

Class Spotify Playlist: “Smashing Pumpkins”, “Puccini-Composer”, “TLC”, “Reflections”, “Floating Through Space”, “Foo Fighters”, “Nina Simone”, and “Chill Lofi Beats”.

Intersecting and Parallel Lines Are Everywhere!

In Social Studies, our class began discussing and demonstrating Social Skills (Introductions) this week. We began scenarios in our huddle to teach one another: how to introduce ourself as a kid and adult either at a party or a funeral. Some students portrayed situations where a 1 friend introduces another friend and will grow their friend group. Native American Tribes: we visited Ms. Lisa’s class to learn about their research and creative dioramas of various major tribes that covered the USA. Each group did such a stellar job reading and presenting with confidence.           Bravo, Ms. Lisa and her talented students!

Native American Tribe Presentations (Ms. Lisa’s Class)

Library Visit + Reading Book Aloud

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges: everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Exponents and Equations, Plotting Points/Slope Intercept, and Decimals on a Number Line and Rounding, Combining Like Terms/Solving for a Variable, and Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers.  (Science: Biology) “I Photograph Tiny Animals” taught us about exploring our natural world by incorporating perspective and technology (our phones) to learn about insects and arachnids. Our class learned about the physiological differences between an Insect and an Arachnid.

STEM: our class drew and illustrated our own insects and arachnids, either actual various species that we used as models from our current SuperSTEM issue or from online photos. Some of us created brand new “bugs”.


-Creating Our “Critters”

-“Finding/Photographing our Insects + Arachnids

Sharing Our Prize Photographs!

Week 23: (Feb 12 – 16)

In Reading and Language Arts, our class continued to learn and use the vocabulary words to enhance our reading and discussion of our current novel, “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”. We discussed about how hard it feels working and owning land through the generations, respecting the wisdom and rules of your parents, kindness to neighbors (especially during time of illness and grieving), and forgiveness. Novel Picture Scene: we used our time this week to be inspired by our favorite or important scenes from the current novel, “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” to visually portray a scene via crayons/colored pencils/markers to teach our classmates. Our class created a cleverly appropriate title for each scene.  Writing a Letter: our class began a 2-week project by first brainstorming which 3 extended family members or close friends, we would choose to write a 2 page friendly letter to. Next, each one of discussed topics and questions that would make for an interesting letter to read. Theatrical Play: our class joined Ms. Lisa’s and Ms. Beth’s class to enjoy an adapted play of the children’s novel, “Frindle”. We learned that you can make a difference in this world with hard work, creativity, and curiosity.

Visiting the Theater! “Frindle”

– What is Your Zodiac Sign? (Scorpio)

What is Your Favorite Type of Cheese? (Cheddar)

What is Your Favorite Thing to Do in the Car When Riding Around? (Listen to Music/Look Around)

-What is Your Favorite Breakfast Cereal? (Ask Your Student)

-What is  Thing About Saturday? (No School, Sports, and Family Time)

Class Spotify Playlist: Billy Joel”, Valentine’s Day Love”, “Pearl Jam”, “Classical New Releases”, and “Chillhop”.

Valentine’s Day: Blending Work and Fun

In Social Studies, our 6th graders competed with Ms. Bia’s class @ St. Viators Academic Bowl. We competed with 11 other schools and their teams. Our students learned a lot about the tournament, themselves, and how much they know. I am so proud of all of our Plato students. They competed with honor and give it their all. Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday: our class read a “Wonderopolis” article about how the cultural traditions of Louisiana and specifically New Orleans joyfully celebrate Mardi Gras before the reflective period of Lent (Catholic 40-day, reflective period before Easter). We remembered that some holidays are festive and some are serious. Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year: our class read an online, “National Geographic for Kids” article listing the animals and personalities associated with each animal throughout the years of the Chinese Lunar New Year. Each one of us found our designated animal and responded with our feelings about why people enjoy or listen to their Zodiac signs.

Academic Bowl @ St. Viators

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges: everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Exponents and Equations, Plotting Points/Slope Intercept, and Decimals on a Number Line and Rounding. Math Jeopardy: Our class created 2 questions per student covering a wide variety of skills/topics to test our knowledge. Some of the  (Science: Biology) Birds on the Brink” was a fascinating SuperSTEM article that taught us how scientist have engineered robotic, artificial Condor eggs to study the behavior of these large scavenger birds that nearly went extinct.

Week 22: (Feb. 5 – 9)

In Reading and Language Arts, our class continued to learn and use the vocabulary words to enhance our reading and discussion of our current novel, “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”. We discussed about how hard it feels fighting an unknown enemy, what makes a good friend, integrity concerning a taking a test, heeding parent’s warnings, and the introducing new cultural trends in a rural area (dancing). Writing Prompt: our class wrestled with a difficult question, “Should We Have Character and Kindness Tally Counter in Our Class? We thought, wrote and then discussed the values of encouraging and modeling good values in our class. Also, some students stated that we should be good models of behavior because it is the right thing to do!

Multiplicity Lab: Finding Fractions

– Would You Rather: Give Up Pizza Forever or Never Eat French Fries Again? (French Fries)

Would You Rather: Take a Trip to a Crowded Beach or Spend Time in quiet Mountain Forest? (Forest)

Would You Rather; Go to a buffet or a Barbecue Restaurant? (Buffet)

-Would You Rather: Be the Star Player on a Bad Team OR an Average Player on an Elite Team? Star Player

-What Does Courage Mean to You? (Being Brave and Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone)


In Social Studies, ( (History of Slavery in The USA): our class studied and interpreted numerous maps of the growing American states from 1789-1861. We noticed the divide between Free and Slave States, how it was separated by not just region, but also by the type of farming and industry that were growing alongside our young nation. Historical Film: Harriet Tubman” our class joined Ms. Bia’s to view and learn about the life of Harriet Tubman, an American hero, who escaped slavery and returned to The South numerous times to free fellow slaves along The Underground Railroad. Our class used a Discussion Guide to aid us in viewing the film with a closer eye toward this powerful historical tale. We explored a North American map of The Underground Railroad routes and final destinations for its courageous travelers. Our class was surprised to see so many routes to the upper Midwest, Canada and even Mexico.

(Academic Bowl Prep)

Windy City Bulls Game!

Class Soundtrack/Spotify Playlists: Check Back Next Week.

American Folk Art: William H. Johnson Inspired Us!

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges: everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Interpreting Line Plots and Fractions,  Graphing Coordinates/Slope Intercept, Decimals (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division), Open Middle Problem (using numbers 1-9 to complete Multiplication equation with 2 Fractions with a whole number product), and SAT/Advanced Bonus (Multiple Choice Word Problems).  (Science) . Engineering: “Would You Rather Live Without a Toilet or Light Bulbs?” article initiated a data survey for each one of us to ask family and friends which they preferred. Our class compared data and shared their analysis when choosing between vital modern engineering inventions that we might take for granted.