Week 24: (Feb 20 – 23)

(Social Skills): Introductions!

In Reading and Language Arts, our class continued to read and discuss “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”  during our BookTalk sessions, which have now moved into the cozy class library. We had one of the inspiring and rigorous conversations about how all of our novels during this school year have these common themes: Overcoming Hardship, Determination, the Power of the Individual, Accepting Discriminatory Behavior, and Tragedy and even death. Also, we proceed to research the parts of speech and definitions of the new vocabulary words that are presented with each chapter.  STUDY SKILLS: our class took this opportunity to share and teach one another about the Characters, Events, and Locations/Places in the novel by getting up and moving around the room and decorating Giant sticky-note posters with colorful Post-Its. Our class is nearing the middle of our novel and had our first comprehension quiz. The results are in and we really know our novel well! Writing a Letter: we add more detail to our Friendly Letter, dissected the various elements of a letter (anecdotes/personal stories) and questions for our reader.

Creating Study Notes

YOGA: (Mind, Body and Spirit)

Who is Your Favorite US President? (George Washington)

-Is it Harder to Be a Leader Or a Follower? (Leader)

-What is Your Favorite Kind of Bread? (White Bread)

-Is it Easier to Love or Be Loved? (Be Loved)

Class Spotify Playlist: “Smashing Pumpkins”, “Puccini-Composer”, “TLC”, “Reflections”, “Floating Through Space”, “Foo Fighters”, “Nina Simone”, and “Chill Lofi Beats”.

Intersecting and Parallel Lines Are Everywhere!

In Social Studies, our class began discussing and demonstrating Social Skills (Introductions) this week. We began scenarios in our huddle to teach one another: how to introduce ourself as a kid and adult either at a party or a funeral. Some students portrayed situations where a 1 friend introduces another friend and will grow their friend group. Native American Tribes: we visited Ms. Lisa’s class to learn about their research and creative dioramas of various major tribes that covered the USA. Each group did such a stellar job reading and presenting with confidence.           Bravo, Ms. Lisa and her talented students!

Native American Tribe Presentations (Ms. Lisa’s Class)

Library Visit + Reading Book Aloud

In Math, our class reviewed and explored some interesting topics this week. Math Challenges: everyday our class is presented with a handful of problems that may be review or pushing our knowledge of mathematical skills. This week our mathematical skills we reviewed or learned were: “Exponents and Equations, Plotting Points/Slope Intercept, and Decimals on a Number Line and Rounding, Combining Like Terms/Solving for a Variable, and Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers.  (Science: Biology) “I Photograph Tiny Animals” taught us about exploring our natural world by incorporating perspective and technology (our phones) to learn about insects and arachnids. Our class learned about the physiological differences between an Insect and an Arachnid.

STEM: our class drew and illustrated our own insects and arachnids, either actual various species that we used as models from our current SuperSTEM issue or from online photos. Some of us created brand new “bugs”.


-Creating Our “Critters”

-“Finding/Photographing our Insects + Arachnids

Sharing Our Prize Photographs!

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